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Ready. Kind. Responsible.

Welcome From Mrs N Daniel | Headteacher

I am extremely proud to welcome you to Queen Mary's High School.

Queen Mary's High School is built upon a well established history of success, shaping exceptional young women for young adulthood. We are one of the top performing state schools in the country, consistently maintaining a high position nationally for GCSE and A Level outcomes. We were inspected by Ofsted in October 2021 and are proud to have been judged as Outstanding in all aspects of our provision..

Today, there are more opportunities for young women to succeed in society than there have ever been before and we firmly believe that there is no limit to the personal, social and academic achievement that is possible for each and every one of our students.

Welcome from the students
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  • Responsibility

    Students at QMHS are responsible for the actions they take both at school and at home. They will make sure they behave appropriately during classes, bring correct equipment and complete all homework before the deadline.

  • Honesty

    Pupils will demonstrate honesty at QMHS by being open with teachers about their actions and speaking up if they need help or have made a mistake. They will also show honesty in their work, producing their own pieces without plagiarism.

  • Integrity

    QMHS students will show integrity by upholding and demonstrating the school values. They will show courage and leadership when tackling any challenge, fairly acknowledging their own work and that of their peers.

  • Respect

    Respect is shown by QMHS pupils to staff and their peers. They will show respect through actively listening, being polite when speaking to others and participating in every aspect of their school life.

  • Tolerance

    QMHS students will show tolerance by demonstrating a level of understanding to others who may differ from themselves yet treat them no differently to anyone else. They will embrace the diverse community we foster and openly reject any bullying or discrimination.

Our school values

Ready. Kind. Responsible.

Students will also be expected to adhere to these three simple behaviour rules. Be Ready, Be Kind, Be responsible. Students will be explicitly taught to understand that they need to follow the school values as they are designed to ensure that everyone is happy and successful whilst also keeping everyone safe.