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Queen Mary’s High School Governing Body

Visit the Mercian Trust Website here

Governance | The Mercian Trust

The School is part of the Mercian Trust, a multi-academy trust, which was incorporated on 1st January 2018. Further details relating to both Mercian Members and Mercian Trustees are available on the Mercian Trust Website and which may be accessed using the link above.

Following the formation of the Mercian Trust, the Trustees established Local Governing Boards (LGBs) for each of its Schools and which serve as committees of the Mercian Trust Board.

The role of the LGB includes:

  • Day to day oversight of the running of the School in terms of learning, standards, safety and well-being and the general provision of pastoral care.
  • Implementation of the Trust’s vision, policies and priorities.
  • Holding the School’s leadership team to account for academic performance.
  • Supporting the Trust Board and its other sub-committees in relation to the proper use of funds and the delivery of high quality educational provision.
  • To advise and act as a ‘critical friend’ to the Headteacher and to inform the Trust Board of any issues at the School which may require their consideration.
  • To provide support to the Leadership Team at the School by facilitating disciplinary and complaint procedures.

The membership of the LGB is set out in the Mercian Trust’s Terms of Reference and which is approved by the Board from time to time.

LGB Membership shall include:

  • At least 2 parent members.
  • At least 2 staff members.
  • The Headteacher.
  • Up to 4 members as may be appointed by the Mercian Board of Trustees.
  • Up to 3 members as may be co-opted by the LGB subject to Trust approval.
  • Such a number of members appointed by the Queen Mary’s Foundation Charity and which shall outnumber all of the members in all of the other categories by one.

The attendances are for the last academic year and the details of the LGB resignations are those that occurred in the last 12 months. The LGB has no additional committees except for Admissions, Staffing, Student Discipline, Pay, Headteacher’s Review and Complaints. These are convened when required.

Further details relating to both Mercian Members and Mercian Trustees are available on the Mercian Trust Website and which may be accessed using the link above.

To communicate with any of our Governors, please do so through our Clerk to the Local Governing Body by emailing clerk@qmfoundation.org

Details of Members of the LGB.

Details of the Local Governing Board

Name Term of Office Category Attendance 2023-24 Relevant business interests Relationships with school staff. Other Governorships
Timothy Normanton



1.1.22-31.12.25 Foundation Governor 5/5 None None None
Alexandra Birch


Link Governor for SEND and Safeguarding. (Vice Chair)

1.1.22-31.12.25 Foundation Governor 1/5 None None Cheslyn Hay Primary School.
Benjamin Adams 1.1.22-31.12.25 Staff Governor 4/5 None Member of Staff. St Peter and Paul Primary School, Lichfield.
Julie Titley 4.9.20-3.9.24 Foundation Governor 3/5 Mercian Trust Business Manager None None
Mary Jones


Link Governor for Health and Safety.

16.10.23-15.10.27 Foundation Governor 4/5 None None None
Nicola Daniel Head Teacher Ex Officio 5/5 None Member of Staff None
 Jo York 6.12.21-5.12.25 Staff Governor 1/5 None Member of Staff None
Elizabeth Smith 20.1.22-19.1.26 Foundation Governor 5/5 None None None
Ranesh Gupta 21.1.22-20.1.26 Parent Governor 4/5 None None None
Ralph Brocklebank 21.11.23-20.11.27 Appointed by the Mercian Trust. 2/3 None. None. None.

Sub- Committees

Joint- Admissions Pay- Committee/Head’s Review
Julie Titley Y N/A
Alex Birch Y N/A
Olalekan Gabriel Y N/A
Tim Normanton N/A Y
Mary Jones N/A Y
Ranesh Gupta N/A Y

Governor Resignations.

Mr. L Shore resigned on 26.4.22.   Ms. Z Khan resigned 5.12.22. Olalekan Gabriel resigned 13.5.24.