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Sixth Form Bursary


The Department for Education established the 16-19 Bursary Fund in 2011. The aim of the fund is to help students aged 16-19 (Year 12 and 13 only) continue in education, where they might struggle for financial reasons. A bursary is directly related to the income and financial resources of the student’s family. The School receives a finite allocation directly from Central Government in order to support students is Year 12 and Year 13 only. The criteria are set nationally but the fund is administered by the school and an application via Applicaa Bursary 16+ is required. 

Apply for your Bursary on Applicaa Bursary 16+ 

 We would encourage you to talk with your family and decide if applying for financial support during your sixth form journey at QMHS would be beneficial. 

Students need to make the application but should work with their family to do so.  

You could qualify for a bursary if you are a student who has previously qualified for free school meals or were a pupil premium student. You may qualify if your household income is lower than £30,000. 

If successful, you may have access to up to £1000 for the academic year to support your education and access to a free school meal. 

You can read more about the 16-19 in our policy.