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Attendance and Absence Requesting

Regular and punctual school attendance is essential to enable all students to gain the maximum benefit from the opportunities provided throughout their education. Strong attendance and punctuality, as research indicates, has a positive outcome not only on student attainment and progress but also their personal development. Attendance at Queen Mary’s High School is strong, we have an ambitious target of 97% for whole school attendance.  


Please contact the school before 8.30 a.m. on every day of your child’s absence, either by phone to 01922 721013 or email qmhs-attendance@qmhs.merciantrust.org.uk  Please leave a message with your child’s name and form, and the reason for the absence. 

The school should be notified immediately in cases of infectious disease. 

If your child has not been reported absent, and has not been marked present at registration, you will receive a phone call to enquire about the absence. This is an important part of our safeguarding procedures. For absences of 3 days or more we require medical evidence such as a doctor’s note. 

The government has stated that parents/carers should not take their child out of school during term time. Mrs Daniel can authorise leave only under exceptional circumstances and an application using the leave of absence request form. This will be considered by Mrs Daniel, Headteacher. In making a decision whether to grant term-time leave, consideration will be given to: 

  • Reason for requests (must be exceptional) 
  • Age of the student 
  • Duration of leave 
  • The student’s attendance record 
  • Student’s progress 
  • Previous term-time leave 

Parents/carers should note that the law on attendance requires the school to determine whether an absence is authorised or unauthorised. Any unauthorised absence has to be recorded on the student’s end of year report. We also report to parents/carers on the total number of absences and late arrivals. If we have any concerns you will be contacted by a member of the pastoral team.  

If your child needs a leave of absence for religious observance, please request the absence by using the religious observance leave of absence request form.  


Wherever possible appointments should be made out of school hours. If a student has to be absent, or needs to leave school during the school day, parents/carers must send an email or letter in advance. We require proof of medical appointments. Absence for appointments should be requested using the form linked above. Parents/carers are requested to arrange to meet their children at reception and students should make their way down at the correct time. If students return to school later in the day, they must sign in at reception when they return. 


Occasional lateness owing to bad weather conditions or transport problems cannot be avoided, but lateness must be the exception. If a student arrives late to school, they should do the following: 

Arrival between 8.45am and 9.15am 
A member of the school leadership team is on ‘late gate’ duty every morning. Students must sign in using the Inventry sign in system at reception. A late mark will be issued on a non-assembly morning, students must go to the form room and explain the reason for being late. On days when assemblies are taking place, after signing in students must go directly to assembly.  

Arrival after 9.15a.m. 
If a student arrives after 9.15am, sign in on the monitor at reception and then report to the lesson. This is considered late after the register has closed and is therefore an unauthorised absence.  

Once a pupil has accrued 30 minutes of late attendance, they will be required to make up this time in an after-school catch-up session. Parents will be informed of when this session will take place in advance.