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We recognise that in deciding to send your child to Queen Mary’s High School you are making a positive decision on behalf of your child and – more importantly – in entrusting us with your child for seven crucial years of their development. We know that this decision will be based on careful research, discussions within the family and with the school staff.

We aim to make the process as straightforward as possible by providing all the opportunities you need to talk to our staff and pupils and to see the school at work, so that you can feel fully confident that you have made the right choice.

For many prospective parents their first contact with Queen Mary’s High School is via this website, which we hope provides useful information about the school and through its images and news items a real sense of the spirit and vibrancy of our community.

The best way to get a true flavour of Queen Mary’s High School’s atmosphere is to take a good look at the information and video clips on our website.  We hope to facilitate in-person open events when it is deemed safe to do so and in in accordance with government advice.

If your daughter gains a place at Queen Mary’s High School, we will start building our relationship with you straightaway – through newsletters, invitations to school and House events, (where possible) and contacts with existing pupils or staff.  This will ensure that on that great day when your child steps comes through our doors for the first time to begin life as a Queen Mary’s High School pupil, the transition is as smooth as possible and they are able to make the very best start with us – the beginning of several years of real personal development and fulfilment.

We very much look forward to welcoming you to Queen Mary’s High School.