Medical Forms

In September 2014 the Department for Education published new guidelines for schools entitled ‘Managing Medicines in Schools.’

As a result of these guidelines it is imperative that school is notified if a child has a medical condition. A question on the personal information forms that are updated annually directly asks this. However, should your child develop an illness (temporary or permanent) at any point during their time at Queen Mary’s High School, please notify school (preferably in writing) immediately. It is essential that our records are accurate.

We now have three types of consent forms, all of which are available below.

Form 1 provides consent for us to administer emergency medication such as an epi-pen and a Care Plan must also be completed.

Form 2 provides consent for medicine to be kept in school and for the student concerned to self-administer.

Form 3 provides consent for medicine to be kept in the student’s possession and for the student concerned to self-administer. In every instance of medicine being administered a strict record must be kept. As such, each student must take responsibility for entering a record of these occasions in the log books which will be located in the Main Office.

If your child suffers from a medical condition which may require emergency medication it is your responsibility to ensure that two lots of emergency medication are available. The first will remain in the Main Office and the second will remain at the Pavilion at QMGS if your child has PE. If not, this spare will be used for school visits.

Should you have any questions or wish to discuss this further, do not hesitate to contact School.