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A Level courses Queen Mary’s High School are two-year linear courses taught over the full two years and only examined at the end of Year 13. Thus, there is no opportunity to re-sit elements of the A Level qualification, it will all depend on performance at the end of Year 13. At Queen Mary’s High School students choose 3 subjects to study at A Level. Where students are studying Maths, following a discussion with the school’s leadership team they may also study Further Maths with evidence of strong mathematical understanding and skill at Key Stage 4. Any requests to study four subjects beyond this will be considered on an individual basis following the publication of GCSE results. In preparation for A Levels, students should research and consider the course content and whether a subject is going to appeal to them over the full two years. Motivation for a subject is key to success so a wise choice now should enable students to follow their chosen pathway with confidence. Students should ask questions about course content and style of delivery, ask them of staff, older students and of yourself. 

The school operates as part of a wider Academy Trust and to ensure a continued broad and balanced curriculum some subjects may be run across those schools. These are indicated in our prospectus.

All students learn skills to support extended study and research in Year 12 and are offered the opportunity to take the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). The EPQ is a level 3 qualification which is graded up to A* and carries UCAS points to the equivalent of half an A Level. It is a student led investigation which tests ability to:  

  1. Manage – goal setting and management of time and materials to achieve the outcome 
  1. Use Resources – critical selection and evaluation of appropriate sources of evidence 
  1. Develop and Realise – decision-making and delivery of the final project 
  1. Evaluate – reflection on successes and failures, strengths and weaknesses over the duration of the project 

Students also undertake a non-examined curriculum via our study skills, PSHCE and enrichment curriculum.