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Welcome to Religious Studies

Curriculum area intent & rationale/department introduction

Religious Studies at QMHS provides a foundation of knowledge about differing world faith and beliefs systems whilst also delving into more challenging concepts and themes that affect us in the world today. We take the approach of what we can learn from faith, and allow students to analyse, evaluate and consider questioned posed to help them to individually shape their opinions. Religious Studies also embodies many philosophical and ethical topics and elements. These are embedded throughout all the key stages to enrich our students with important skills for life.

Aims and values of the department

  • To demonstrate to our students that the study of religion and other belief systems is relevant, worthwhile, and interesting. That religion is a many faceted phenomena – its effect is felt in personal and communal lives, while its influence on morality, values and cultures cannot be underestimated.

  • To encourage an open-minded attitude to religion in all its guises and to recognise that belief and skepticism are healthy components of all serious thinking. To cultivate critical and compassionate attitudes to religion as it is lived out in the world today.

  • To impart the skills and knowledge for students to be able to apply what they learn in religious studies both inside and outside of school (particularly when they move into the wider communities of work) in an informed and articulate way.

  • To provide a safe and stimulating environment where students can think about ultimate questions of meaning, reflect on their own beliefs and values, and enjoy the feeling of community that shared beliefs and values can generate. To provide an environment where students can learn to accommodate and be tolerant of views which may not reflect their own.

Where next? Links to careers

Religious studies qualifications have some of the broadest links across careers given the skills developed allow students to empathise, think critically and form opinions about important topics and issues. Careers may include: Law, Journalism, Social work, Teaching, Charity work, Consultancy, Human Resources (HR) and Public services (politics, police etc).

Suggested reading/curriculum enhancement


Trips & visits

We deliver personalised drop-down day workshops led by the department through the academic year for Years 10-13 on a variety of themes such as gender equality, war, genetic engineering, the wealth divide and the environment to ensure all students receive RS education until the age of 18. 

Department staffing

  • Mrs H Broadfield

  • Ms M Emery

  • Ms E Bull

How can parents help?

Opening up discussions around world topics at home and considering different opinions on them as well as looking at ways to expose people to differing faith communities and cultures (holidays, visits or being involved in the local community). Exposing them to the news and current affairs and allowing free and open discussion. Encouraging healthy debate and consideration of ethical issues.