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Welcome to PSCHE

Curriculum area intent & rationale/department introduction

PSHCE at QMHS equips students with the knowledge, skills and values to help them grow to be health, happy, safe and able to manage the challenges and opportunities of modern Britain. PSHCE stands for Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic education. Our curriculum is mapped through three key themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the wider world. Each theme covers a wide range of topic that are relevant to our vision of enhancing students’ understanding of themselves, the choices they make and how they can navigate wider society.

Aims and values of the department

  • The PSHCE curriculum supports QMHS Core values of responsibility, honesty, respect, integrity and tolerance as well as our behaviour principles of being ready, kind and responsible.
  • Students will learn to express their opinions respectfully and understand that not everyone shares the same views. Through these discussions they learn to be accepting and non-judgmental of others and see the value in viewing situations from another point of view.
  • For students to develop their own values and skills to navigate challenging social, economic, personal and relationships situations. To develop well-rounded individuals who are equipped for the changes and challenges of modern-day society.
  • To be exposed to a variety of important life topics and ensure a safe space for them to develop their own views and opinions.

Where next? Links to careers

PSHCE is a non-assessed area of the curriculum but is embedded within our curriculum offer here at QMHS. Students can apply the knowledge, skills and values of PSHCE into all careers. Students can choose to study PSHCE at university as a course or choose to apply something they have learnt in the subject into a chosen career. Relevant careers may include: Medicine, Law, Politics, Economist, HR, Teaching, Mental Health nursing, Charity work and Nutrition.

Suggested reading/curriculum enhancement






Trips & visits

  • Year 7- Neurodiversity workshop delivered by Sixth Form PSHCE ambassadors. Road Safety Workshop delivered by Performance in Education.
  • Year 8- Substance Misuse workshop delivered by Performance in Education.
  • Year 10- Forced and Honour Based Abuse workshop delivered by Roshni Charity
  • Year 11 – CSE Workshop ‘ Working for Marcus’ delivered by LoudMouth.
  • Year 12/ 13- Change Your Mind enrichment opportunity. Students in the 6th form create and deliver workshops on PSHCE topics to local primary schools (Butts Primary and Hydesville Tower School)

Department staffing

  • Mrs H Broadfield

  • Mrs S Dunn

  • Mr T Brown

  • Ms L Toure

How can parents help?

Encourage students to get involved in worldly issues and discuss topics delivered in PSHCE at home. Signpost students to some of the curriculum enhancement links/ websites above. Ensure students are actively participating and encouraged to be open about topics surrounding mental health, relationships and being a good citizen for example.