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Welcome to PE

Curriculum area intent & rationale/department introduction

The Physical Education curriculum's intention is for students to build on and develop the fundamental skills taught across Key Stage 2. We aim for students to develop values and transferable skills, such as fairness and respect, as well as techniques, tactics, knowledge and understanding across a wide range of activities.

In lessons, students will have opportunities to develop personal and social skills such as communication, co-operation, leadership, tolerance, respect and the ability to solve problems and evaluate themselves and others. Students are encouraged to develop knowledge and appreciation of rules and regulations and the awareness of safety considerations when exercising.

Within Physical Education, students are encouraged to develop the links between current issues in the local area and society, such as equality, opportunities, and the impact of fitness on the health of the individual and the nation.

There is a comprehensive range of extracurricular activities and inter-house events throughout the year, open to all students. These give students the opportunity to develop their skills and techniques further and, if the students want to, they can represent Queen Mary’s against other schools and compete at district, county, and national level. As well as opportunities to develop as a performer, students can develop their leadership skills by completing a leadership module in Key Stage 4 PE lessons.

Aims and values of the department

PE Department Intent diagram

Where next? Links to careers

The Physical Education curriculum's intention is to give students the confidence, skills and knowledge to continue to take part in physical activity and sport away from school, post 16 and beyond. It is expected that students will understand the importance of health and fitness, exercising safely and the importance of following rules within sport and society. It is also hoped that students will view their vast experience in PE and sport at Queen Mary’s High School as a positive one and that this will shape future behaviour. Some students may wish to follow a career because of their experience in Physical Education and these careers would include a teacher, personal trainer, coach, physiotherapist, sports scientist, sports psychologist, diet and fitness instructor, armed forces, leisure and tourism industry.

Suggested reading/curriculum enhancement

Attending external sports clubs will enhance students' progress in our curriculum. We have lots of close links with the following clubs:









Trips & visits

Whitemoor Lakes Outdoor and Adventurous Residential trip with all Year 7 students in the summer term.

The department undertakes visits to watch live sporting events such as athletics, cricket and netball. There are also opportunities whereby external club coaches to join us at our training sessions after school to coach and chances to attend local sports facilities.

We take our sports teams to weekly fixtures, offsite, throughout the year for netball and cricket and annual competitions for sports hall athletics, athletics, badminton and table tennis.

Department staffing

  • Mrs Turner – Subject Leader for PE (Netball and athletics coach)

  • Miss Butlin – Head of Austen House (Cricket and badminton coach)

  • Mrs Connell – Assistant Headteacher (Netball coach)

How can parents help?

Encourage your child to use the skills and activities taught in lessons outside of school. Get involved in physical activities with your child weekly and attend matches to show support from the sidelines.

Assisting with transport and providing support to collect from away venues would be appreciated when children are selected for school sports teams.