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Welcome to Mathematics

Curriculum area intent & rationale/department introduction

At Queen Mary’s High School, the mathematics curriculum we offer is both personalised and aspirational.  Students who already excel in mathematics are developed further to allow them to achieve the highest possible outcomes.  Students whose prior mathematical grounding lacks rigour are given the opportunity to make rapid progress and still achieve outcomes that can match the very best in the country. Targeted support and additional challenge ensure that all students can make excellent progress.   We look to develop independent learners and actively teach strategies where students are encouraged to take responsibility and develop independence.

Our schemes of work in all Key Stages are written exclusively by the mathematics department to meet the needs of our students.  Methods of calculation are clear and consistent across the department, the department communicate well in ensuring our approach to teaching all topics is rigorous, consistent and effective. 

Our curriculum in Key Stage 3 looks to build on the mathematical topics learned in Key Stage 2. It helps students grow in confidence and resilience and ensures that the approaches they use are efficient, well explained, rigorously derived and consistent in demonstrating understanding and skill.

There is a heavy weighting of Number and Algebra in Key Stage 3, which we believe prepares students to meet the mathematical demands to explore more advanced work which will be met in subsequent years. 

Aims and values of the department

Our team of mathematics teachers is experienced, passionate about their subject and committed to supporting each and every student to enjoy and be successful.

Our curriculum has many parallels to a curriculum that is advocated by the “Maths Mastery” programme delivered by NCETM.  Mathematical rigour, fluency and understanding is central to our philosophy and our methods of delivery. 

When students experience obstacles in their learning, a healthy mind-set towards improvement and reflection is developed where students get the support they need and do what they need to do to experience success and satisfaction. 

Our curriculum is designed to create successful and inquisitive individuals who have a thirst for learning and make superb progress.  We look to develop students who enjoy mathematics, seek help where needed, present and communicate mathematics of the highest standard, take excellent notes, use these to revise and achieve excellence in every respect. 

Where next? Links to careers

Mathematics, as with many subjects, is rarely taught or studied in an effective way when it is studied with the motivation of potential career or academic progression.  Mathematics is studied because it is a beautiful subject that enriches one’s life and develops our ability to think and solve problems. 

Because problem solving and rigorous and robust thinking is such an essential skill in life, many other subjects studied beyond GCSE and careers require mathematics to be a core requirement. 

Careers that include a high mathematics content include meteorology, investment banking, accounting, insurance and risk management, data analysis, any fields in science and engineering, software engineering or programming, and actuary.

Suggested reading/curriculum enhancement

Mathematics mastery, a little bit like sport, is likely to be achieved primarily through practice rather than through written narrative.   That being said, the history of mathematics and the ‘bigger picture’ of how topics can be related can be of great use.  Mathematics is also a topic that can bring relevance to any particular strand of interest whether it be sport, philosophy or the wonderful world of science.  Books or websites that connect problems to a particular strand of interest can be most useful.

  • NRICH (maths.org) has a wonderful variety of articles, investigations and problems to suit any ability.
  • UK Maths Trust UKMT contains problems and past papers from the UK Maths Challenge.  A competition all students in KS3 participate in and enjoy.  Students who do maths problems such as these recreationally will substantially improve their problem solving skills.

Trips & visits

 The Mathematics Department participates and hosts maths events such as the Maths Feast, Faraday Challenge, UK Maths Challenge, Team Challenge.

Department staffing

The mathematics department is staffed with seven passionate and experienced teachers who are all happy to help and support with any problems that may arise.

  • Mr B Adams – Subject Leader
  • Mrs S Hughes – 2nd in department
  • Mrs R Badhan
  • Mr K Chan
  • Mrs A Plaha
  • Mr S Sangha
  • Miss B Weston

How can parents help?

Students will be set weekly homework on SPARX maths.  Parents will automatically get emails with notifications.  Teachers and parents work in partnership to empower students to take ownership of their own learning.  SPARX maths has additional features that allows students to do extra work that that revisits old topics or builds onto more complex problems.  These should be encouraged but a healthy balance is something we all work together to support.  

The maths department offers peer mentoring, it hosts regular clinics for help and we have an ‘open door’ culture for anyone who needs support.  We also host clubs and enrichment events wherever we can.  Parents should encourage their children to seek help and support if there are ever indications that this would be beneficial.