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Welcome to Geography

Curriculum area intent & rationale/department introduction

A high-quality geography education should inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Teaching should equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments. Geographical knowledge, understanding and skills provide the framework and approaches that explain how the Earth’s features at different scales are shaped, interconnected and change over time.  

(National Curriculum) 

Understanding our place within the world in which we live is a fundamental skill that students need to engage with in order to flourish and become well rounded members of society. Explaining how interactions, processes and places shape the world is fundamental for students to excel in not just geography but beyond. At QMHS, geography allows our students to use their knowledge, understanding and skills to describe, explain and analyse key concepts. Students develop an understanding of society as a whole, looking at different countries, cultures and varying levels of development and the impact this has on places. By doing so, students engage enquiry skills, critical thinking and empathy through a challenging and interesting curriculum (KS3-KS5). Learners are challenged by applying skills with deep rooted world subject knowledge.  

The overarching concepts for geography at QMHS are: 

Location – Spatial awareness of different countries and location and physical and human features and processes. 

Place- The concept of place and its similarities and differences. 

Interdependence – How country are linked through the flow of resources, goods and ideas and the idea of development. 

Sustainability – Using planets resources and the impact of exploitation. 

Analytical skills – Using mathematical and cartographic skills to describe interpret and analyse our world.  

Fieldwork – How we can observe, record and measure data in order to further explain processes outside the classroom. 

Aims and values of the department

Through the Geography curriculum, we want students to gain:

  • A sensitivity and concern for landscape and the environment
  • An appreciation of the world including its people, places, landscapes, natural processes and phenomena
  • An appreciation of the attitudes, values and beliefs of others in issues which have a geographical dimension
  • A recognition of their own attitudes values and beliefs in issues which have a geographical dimension
  • An awareness of the opportunities and constraints for people living in different physical and human conditions.

Where next? Links to careers

There has never been a more important time to use geographical knowledge and skills to pursue a career. None of the changes and challenges facing the UK and the world in the 21st century, including climate change, energy security, migration, urbanisation and globalisation, can be properly understood or tackled without geography.

Careers linking to Geography include the environmental sector, business, education, law, the natural or social sciences, media, geospatial industries or in travel. There is a wide range of career paths that can be pursued through studying Geography.

Suggested reading/curriculum enhancement

  • Plate Tectonics- Iain Stewart (2018)
  • Shackleton’s Journey- William Grill (2014)
  • Factfulness - Hans Rosling (2018)
  • Prisoners of Geography - Tim Marshall (2015) and Divided - Tim Marshall (2018)

Trips & visits

  • Year 7 - Walsall Arboretum & Botanical Gardens Birmingham
  • Year 9 - Twycross Zoo
  • Year 10 - Carding Mill Valley
  • Year 11 - Walsall Town Centre

Department staffing

  • Miss E Taylor- Head of Geography

  • Mr G Taylor- Teacher of Geography

How can parents help?

Supporting students with their homework and through ensuring that they are regularly accessing Teams and engaging with the resources on there.