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Welcome to Art

Curriculum area intent & rationale/department introduction

In Art and Design, students should be encouraged to engage in a wide range of topics, issues and interests, as well as gaining a deeper understanding of how an artist looks at the world and how artist/designers think differently. Art by its very nature is a process of discovery and can be used as a vehicle to spark student interests and satisfy their natural curiosity.

Through studying art, we aim to allow students to develop a range of qualities such as open-mindedness, empathy and an interest in the wider world. Art students should have a good imagination, be reflective and demonstrate a deeper appreciation of others, being able to use materials skillfully to demonstrate excellent practical thinking.

As well as the technical skills gained through Art, students will develop also develop critical and deeper thinking skills, analytical skills, debate and communication skills as well as becoming excellent researchers and independent learners.

Art is a naturally inclusive subject. The department is founded on the belief that anyone can be an artist and art is for all. We are immensely proud of the work that is produced here, and visitors freely comment on how the art in the school is ‘unbelievable’ and ‘thrilling’. Our students spend a lot of time developing their Art practice and all that effort results in exceptionally high results.

Aims and values of the department

As a department we believe in the notion of ‘no excuses, no regrets’. This philosophy encourages students to take responsibility for all they do and allows them to achieve the best possible outcome. We also aim to inspire the artists, architects, craft people and designers of the future who will carry on the proud tradition of cutting-edge creativity for which Britain is globally famous.

Engaging with an Art and Design curriculum enables students to broaden their horizons and offers them a greater understanding of the world in which we live. It also allows them to express themselves creatively as individuals. Students are taught to develop a broad range of skills and techniques allowing them to engage with artists, designers, concepts, issues and build cultural awareness. Students are encouraged to record, refine, develop and respond to design briefs allowing them to build confidence and creativity. Written work encourages the use of key terminology, analysis, evaluation, and self-critique along with contextual writing in reference to artists and designers. We endeavour to provide opportunities to understand and explore a wider art and design culture through the introduction of a broad range of current and past artists, traditions and cultures.

Where next? Links to careers

There are many different pathways that studying Art will open. Our students typically progress onto the course below to open careers in the following fields:

  • Architecture BA hons - Architect
  • Illustration BA hons – Illustrator
  • Fine Art BA hons– Artist
  • PGCE - Art teacher
  • Set and costume design BA hons - Set designer
  • Games development BA hons - Games developer/designer

Suggested reading/curriculum enhancement





Ways of Seeing. By John Berger Ways of Seeing by John Berger (ways-of-seeing.com)

Useful Websites

Trips & visits

  • Tate modern London visit KS5
  • Coventry Herbert Museum KS4
  • Walsall new Gallery KS3

Department staffing

  • Mr J. Short Head of Art
  • Mrs J. Hinton Teacher of Art
  • Mrs J. Hayes Technician

How can parents help?

  • Visit galleries with your children, there are so many opportunities available for free for all students to access across the midlands.
  • Talk about Art and why it's important for wellbeing.
  • Encouraging making Art at home, children have a natural curiosity and love to paint, sculpt and draw.
  • Have a doodle sketchbook whereby your child can express themselves creatively.