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The curriculum at Queen Mary’s High School seeks to support young people in becoming:  

  • Successful and inquisitive individuals who have a thirst for learning, make superb progress and achieve excellence  
  • Confident, resilient individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives 
  • Responsible citizens who make a significant positive contribution to our community and society. 

We value a rich, varied and academically rigorous curriculum which supports individual learning needs and talents. Academic success is important at Queen Mary’s High School yet we recognise that there is much more to learning than that which takes place within the classroom. Our academic curriculum is complemented by extra-curricular activities, trips, visits and leadership opportunities to allow students to apply their learning and develop the skills they need for life beyond QMHS.  

Discussion, debate, critical thinking and reflection form a key part of school life. Teaching at the school recognises and values participation, effort, curiousity and creativity. We believe that developing these skills and attributes will, alongside their academic qualifications, prepare them for the next stages in learning, employment and life.  

We believe that all students regardless of their background or personal circumstance are entitled to the best possible educational experiences. Students are supported in their studies through peer and subject mentoring schemes, additional consolidation and revision classes. At every stage, our students’ wellbeing and progress are monitored by form tutors, subject staff and Heads of Year while the student planners enable parents to oversee their child’s homework and gain an understanding of their day-to-day commitments and learning.   

Each subject area has its own page on the website for you to explore. These subject pages also contain Curriculum Maps for each year group which give a general outline of what is being studied each term. Their purpose is to help parents support their child more effectively and enable an open dialogue about learning. Each department has made suggestions for activities that will further support learning in their subject ‘outside the curriculum’. 


Key Stage 3 

All students in Years 7-9 study Art, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Design and Technology, English, Geography, History, Maths, Music, Physical Education, PSCHE, Physics and Religious Education. Students also learn one language from; French, German, Mandarin, Spanish. Students are assessed against our own carefully devised assessment scheme. In Year 9 the three sciences start the GCSE courses and assess using GCSE grades 9 – 1. 


Key Stage 4 

GCSE options are made in the Spring Term of Year 9. Students are provided with advice and guidance throughout the GCSE option process. In Years 10 and 11 all students study English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and their language (one of French, German, Mandarin, Spanish). In addition, they have a statutory requirement to continue non-examination classes in PSHCE, General RS and Physical Education. There are collapsed timetable days for Year 10 focused on General RS issues, followed by another when they reach Year 11. 

Alongside the core subjects, all students should choose two further GCSE subjects, one of which must be a humanities subject (Geography, History or Religious Studies), and one further GCSE from this list: 

Art and Design: Fine Art, Computer Science, Design and Technology, Drama, Geography, History, Music, Religious Studies. 


The Sixth Form 

The vast majority of our students choose to remain at QMHS to continue their students to A Level. Our options system is flexible to allow students to study those subjects about which they are passionate. Students study 3 A Levels, choosing from a range of Science, Humanities, Creative and Performing Arts subjects. There is the option to apply to study a fourth A Level to broaden their educational experience alongside the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). We offer a number of A Level subjects in collaboration with partner Mercian Trust Schools, which extends the breadth of curriculum opportunity. Students also engage in a programme of curriculum enrichment which helps our students to develop the skills, qualities and aptitudes to prepare them for the next steps in their academic career. Specialist guidance is given to support the UCAS process, and applications to medical professions and Oxbridge. All 6th form students take part in a range of enrichment opportunities that support them in developing their non-academic learning and skills in preparation for university or higher-level work-related learning. Opportunities for student leadership are vast and varied. Sixth Form students are encouraged to take responsibility for our numerous clubs and societies and even develop one, if it does not exist, to harness their own personal interests and skills. This supports their development of leadership, teamwork, communication and interpersonal skills, through work as an ambassador, prefect or the Duke of Edinburgh programme.