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Careers Education Information and Guidance (CEIAG)


Information for parents:

At Queen Mary’s High School, we are dedicated to enabling our students and guiding them towards a future filled with possibilities. We understand the importance of preparing our students for the world beyond education and helping them to navigate their career pathways.

To ensure our students receive the best possible support, we have implemented a comprehensive Careers Education, Information, and Guidance (CEIAG) program. While our focus is primarily on academic pathways, we recognise the significance of providing guidance on various career options.

Our CEIAG program includes dedicated sessions with an independent careers advisor, who works closely with students in Year 9, 11, and 12. These sessions are designed to provide personalised guidance and help students make informed decisions about their future career choices.

At Queen Mary’s High School, we believe in nurturing each student’s unique talents and interests, and we encourage them to explore a wide range of academic pathways. We firmly believe that academic excellence can open doors to a multitude of career opportunities.

Our goal is to inspire our students to set high aspirations and strive for success in their chosen fields. We provide them with the necessary resources, knowledge, and guidance to make informed decisions about their future endeavours.

At Queen Mary’s High School, we are committed to breaking down stereotypes and encouraging our students to dream big and achieve their goals. We are confident that with the right support and guidance, our students will embark on successful and fulfilling careers that align with their passions and abilities.

Information for students:

At Queen Mary’s High School, we’re all about helping you explore your interests and prepare for an exciting future! We know it’s important to get ready for life beyond school, so we’ve created a careers program just for you.

In our program, you’ll have one-on-one sessions with a careers advisor in Year 9, 11, and 12. These sessions are all about giving you personalised advice to help you make smart choices about your future career.

While we focus on your school subjects, we also know there are many different jobs out there. Our goal is to show you all the possibilities and help you find the path that’s right for you.

We believe everyone has unique talents and interests, and we want you to explore them all. Doing well in school can open up so many doors, and we’re here to help you achieve your goals.

Our aim is to inspire you to dream big and work hard to reach your dreams. We’ll give you the tools and support you need to make smart decisions about your future. At Queen Mary’s High School, we’re all about breaking stereotypes and encouraging you to go after what you love. We’re confident that with our help, you’ll have an fulfilling and successful career that matches your passions and skills.

Information for employers:

If you would like to support our students, you can do so in a number of ways including:

  1. Offer work experience opportunities at your business premises.
  2. Deliver an inspiring talk related to your industry or professional role.
  3. Join our conversations about post-school pathways, such as apprenticeships.
  4. Advocate for specific issues and address workplace barriers like gender stereotypes and disability.
  5. Participate in our Mock interviews with students, assisting them in CV structuring.
  6. Lead a hands-on workshop featuring activities pertinent to your expertise.
  7. Serve as an ambassador supporting employment avenues for young individuals with special educational needs and disabilities, and provide a co-supported work experience placement through the school.
  8. Enhance subject lessons by connecting them to real-world industry applications.
  9. Host informational sessions about various career paths and industries.
  10. Facilitate job shadowing opportunities for students to gain firsthand experience in a particular field.
  11. Provide resources or materials to support career exploration and decision-making.
  12. Offer apprenticeship programmes within your organisation.
  13. Connect students with industry professionals for informational interviews or job shadowing experiences.
  14. Volunteer to review and provide feedback on students’ CVs, cover letters, and job applications.
  15. Arrange site visits to your workplace to give students a glimpse into different industries and professions.
  16. Collaborate with educators to integrate career readiness skills into the curriculum.
  17. Support initiatives aimed at promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace and beyond.

Work Experience at Queen Mary’s High School

At Queen Mary’s High School, we believe in fostering meaningful connections between students and the professional world. Work experience is a crucial aspect of a student’s journey towards career readiness, and we invite employers to support our students.

What is Work Experience?

Work experience provides students with hands-on exposure to real-world work environments, allowing them to gain practical skills, insights, and confidence relevant to their chosen fields.

Why is Work Experience Beneficial for Students?

Work experience offers numerous benefits for students:

  1. Skill Development: Students acquire practical skills and knowledge applicable to their future careers.
  2. Professional Exposure: Exposure to workplace dynamics and expectations helps students transition smoothly from academic to professional settings.
  3. Networking Opportunities: Students build valuable connections with professionals in their fields of interest.
  4. Career Exploration: Work experience allows students to explore different industries and roles, helping them make informed career choices.

Potential Tasks for Students

During work experience placements, students can engage in a variety of tasks tailored to your organisation’s needs, including but not limited to:

  • Work shadowing various professionals within the organisation
  • Research projects
  • Note-taking during meetings
  • Stock replenishment
  • Answering phones and managing inquiries
  • Designing and formatting publications
  • Conducting customer satisfaction surveys
  • Managing social media accounts
  • Contributing to company blogs

Skills Gained from Work Experience

Through these tasks, students develop essential skills such as:

  • Communication: Effective verbal and written communication with colleagues and clients.
  • Time Management: Prioritising tasks and meeting deadlines.
  • Teamwork: Collaborating with others to achieve common goals.
  • Problem-solving: Finding solutions to challenges encountered in the workplace.
  • Adaptability: Adjusting to new environments and tasks.
  • Initiative: Taking proactive steps to contribute to the organisation’s success.

When is work experience?

  • Year 12 Work Experience week – 16th June 2025 - 20th June 2025

Information for Alumni:

Former students of Queen Mary’s High School will have undoubtedly experienced a unique and diverse educational journey. You have the opportunity to give back by sharing your knowledge and skills with our current students to aid them in navigating their career paths. We are actively seeking alumni volunteers to support our current students through our Careers Programme.

Here are some ways you can contribute to our Careers Programme:

  • Participate in mock interviews with Year 11 students to assist them in structuring their CVs.
  • Engage in extracurricular clubs and activities.
  • Deliver an inspiring talk based on your industry or job role.
  • Provide coaching/mentoring services through a structured programme.
  • Lead hands-on workshops with activities relevant to your area of expertise.
  • Join discussions about post-school pathways, such as apprenticeships.
  • Advocate for specific issues and challenge workplace barriers regarding gender stereotyping, disability, etc.
  • Enhance subject lessons by relating them to your industry.
  • Offer work experience placements for students at your business premises.
  • Serve as an ambassador supporting employment routes for young people with special educational needs and disabilities, offering co-supported work experience placements through the school.

Information for Teachers:

At Queen Mary’s High School, our commitment lies in providing high quality Careers, Education, Information, Advice, and Guidance to enable our students to make informed career decisions.

We firmly believe that every member of our staff plays a crucial role in fostering a culture of career awareness and preparedness throughout Queen Mary’s High School.

We encourage all subject areas to actively engage in the following initiatives:

  • Displaying prominent materials that bridge subject learning with skill development and various career pathways.
  • Cultivating partnerships with businesses and organisations to offer real-world insights and opportunities.
  • Hosting alumni and external speakers virtually or in-person to share their career experiences.
  • Facilitating student visits to local businesses and organisations when feasible.
  • Documenting career-related learning opportunities within our curriculum plans, and encouraging students to log their activities on Unifrog.
  • Embedding career-focused elements into lessons.
  • Exploring collaborations with local businesses for student projects or challenges, enhancing real-world learning experiences.
  • Ensuring inclusivity in information sharing, challenging stereotypes related to gender and disability.

At Queen Mary’s High School, we are dedicated to equipping our students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to navigate their future career paths successfully.

Useful links:

  1. National Careers Service (UK):
    • Website: https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/
    • Description: Provides information, advice, and guidance to help individuals make decisions on learning, training, and work opportunities. It includes tools for career exploration, CV building, and job searching.
  2. UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service):
    • Website: https://www.ucas.com/
    • Description: Offers guidance on higher education options, including university courses, apprenticeships, and gap year opportunities. It also provides resources for students applying to universities and colleges in the UK.
  3. Prospects:
    • Website: https://www.prospects.ac.uk/
    • Description: Provides career advice and information on graduate jobs, postgraduate study, and careers in specific industries. It includes resources such as career profiles, job search tips, and employer directories.
  4. BBC Bitesize Careers:
    • Website: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/careers
    • Description: Offers advice and resources to help students explore career options and plan their future. It includes articles, videos, and quizzes covering a wide range of careers and industries.
  5. National Apprenticeship Service:
    • Website: https://www.apprenticeships.gov.uk/
    • Description: Provides information and guidance on apprenticeships in the UK, including how to find and apply for apprenticeship opportunities. It also offers resources for employers interested in hiring apprentices.
  6. Career Pilot:
    • Website: https://www.careerpilot.org.uk/
    • Description: Offers career guidance and resources for young people in the South West of England, but the information is applicable to students across the UK. It includes tools for career exploration, education options, and employability skills.
  7. iCould:
    • Website: https://icould.com/
    • Description: Provides career inspiration and advice through real-life stories from people working in various industries and professions. It includes articles, videos, and quizzes to help students explore different career paths.

Careers Leader: Mrs S Pagett

If you have any queries about careers, or would like to help out at any of our events, please contact Mrs S Pagett via email s.pagett@qmhs.merciantrust.org.uk


Careers Programme 2024 - 2025

CEIAG Policy 2024 - 2025

Provider Access Policy 2024 - 2025


Labour Market Information:


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