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Welcome to Biology

Curriculum area intent & rationale/department introduction


The aim of KS3 is to enthuse students with appreciation of biology learning and allow them to discover how the biological world works. We aim to provide a grounding in Biology, look at scientific problem solving and use of evidence to develop theories and explanations.

In KS3 scientific concepts are broken down into statements that reflect an increasing cognitive demand in the understanding and use of a particular concept. As students’ progress through the course, they should develop their understanding both conceptually and cognitively.



The objective for the KS4 curriculum is to build on the key foundations established at KS3 whilst feeding the students' enthusiasm for biology to achieve high scores at GCSE. The students will be challenged throughout the course in both their understanding of the content and the skills developed during practical work. Retrieval practice should be embedded in everyday practice to ensure continued recall and practice. By the end of KS4, the student should feel confident in applying their knowledge and understanding of the 9 topics covered.

Delivery of the curriculum is done reflectively where staff and students are encouraged to consolidate and practice skills and knowledge learnt to identify development areas and improve.



The OCR supported KS5 curriculum is a challenging course that builds on the knowledge and understanding gained at GCSE. We want our students to be able to work and think for themselves, developing in them a desire to discover and challenge biological concepts.

Our aims are:

  • to develop essential knowledge and understanding of different areas of the subject and how they relate to each other
  • develop and demonstrate a deep appreciation of the skills, knowledge and understanding of scientific methods
  • develop competence and confidence in a variety of practical, mathematical and problem-solving skills
  • develop their interest in and enthusiasm for the subject, including developing an interest in further study and careers associated with the subject
  • understand how society makes decisions about scientific issues and how the sciences contribute to the success of the economy and society.

Aims and values of the department

  • To develop independent and reflective learners.
  • To develop inquisitive and aspirational biologists that take their own learning further than the classroom.
  • To develop well rounded passionate individuals that take an informed and respectful view of the planet we live on, to enable a depth of understanding, integrity, skills of the wider world.

Where next? Links to careers

Biology is a core subject for anyone thinking of working in medicine, dentistry, veterinary science and the healthcare sector.  Previous students have also gone onto study degree level in Optometry, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Nursing, Zoology, Midwifery, Animal Behaviour and Welfare, Radiotherapy, Audiology, Biological Sciences, Natural Sciences, Biomedical Science and teaching.

Suggested reading/curriculum enhancement

  • Adventures Of A Young Naturalist David Attenborough
  • The Origin Of Species Charles Darwin
  • The Selfish Gene Richard Dawkins
  • The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
    The Body by Bill Bryson
    Almost Like a Whale by Steve Jones
    The Red Queen by Matt Ridley
    The Double Helix by James Watson
  •  The Gene: An intimate history by Siddhartha Mukherjee

Trips & visits

  • Worcester University Visit
  • Arboretum Sampling
  • Operation Wallacea
  • Big Bang Trip

Department staffing

  • Miss. Bailey – Head of Department

  • Mrs. Perera – Assistant Headteacher

  • Mrs. Stafford – Key Stage 3 Coordinator

  • Mrs. Colley

  • Mrs. Ahmed

How can parents help?

  • Promote use of all resources such as Kay Science, BBC Bitesize.

  • Ensure students are consolidating their learning by doing regular revision and completing all homework tasks.

  • Encourage a passion of discovery in biology.